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Belladonna 30c

Belladonna 30c

Main Indication: High fever of sudden onset, with perspiration, no thirst.

Common Name: Deadly Nightshade



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Belladonna 30c – Description:

– High fevers with hot, flushed face (red or even purple), eyes with dilated pupils and throbbing carotids. May hallucinate, may have febrile seizures.

– Cold hands and feet with heat radiating from head.

– Sudden onset with violent symptoms.

– No anxiety or fear, they are excitable, may be delirious, aggressive or violent.

– Dry mouth and throat but not thirsty.

– There is always heat, redness, throbbing and burning, e.g. throbbing headaches, intense inflammations with a lot of heat e.g. tonsillitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, mastitis, boils.

– Great children’s remedy.

– Worse at 3am and 3pm, from heat of the sun, light, noise, touch, motion (hyperesthesia of all senses).

– Better with rest and light coverings.