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Mercurius Solubilis 30c

Mercurius Solubilis 30c

Main Indication: Sore throat with bad breath and excessive salivation.

Common Name: Quicksilver



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Mercurius Solubilis 30c – Description :

– All complaints are worse at night with a lot of sweating, worse from the heat of the bed, their symptoms get worse with perspiration and rest.

– They are a human “thermometer”, very sensitive to heat and cold, often aggravated by change in temperature, heat and cold, damp, rainy weather.

– Sickness with a lot of salivation, bad breath, ulcers in the mouth, tongue, throat and tonsils; tongue is red with indents of the teeth along the sides.

– Recurrent tonsillitis with rotten tonsils, recurrent otitis with glue ear, offensive smell, sinusitis with green thick discharge etc. The lymphatic system is especially affected.

– Morning sickness, with lots of salivation.

– Blood in diarrhea, blood in urine, there is destructive inflammation, may be necrotic, parts are swollen with raw, sore feeling.

– Breath, excretions and body all smell foul.

– Tendency to form pus, which is thin, greenish, putrid and streaked with thin blood.

– Metallic or salty taste in the mouth.

– Ears: Chronic ear infections. Swimmers ear. Glue ear. Pains worse for warmth of bed at night.